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the business world is changing

the personal computer has changed the way we work, increasing our efficiency and eliminating the need for several layers of management. The same thing is happening in manufacturing, as automation increases productivity on the assembly line and eliminates a large percentage of jobs.

The key to financial success in these rapidly changing times is to recognize the trends and get ahead of change. So what trends can we identify? The major opportunities of the decade ahead are found in four areas:

Information * Technology * Health * Distribution

Information is power, as Microsoft CEO Bill Gates can tell you. He has become the richest man in America by providing better methods of processing information. Technology also continues to change our world as computers and consumer electronics do more of our work and claim more of our leisure hours. Health and aging have become our biggest concerns as we become more aware of the environment and the health problems of old age as modern medicine extends our life span. On the other hand, the many limitations of modern medicine has prompted more and more people to look for alternative medicine. The wide-spread use of accupuncture and the recent scientific research on Chinese herbs have begun to shed new light on the exciting possibilities for a combination of the wisdoms of the East and West. The result is the amazing discovery of adaptogens.

Finally, here is what Faith Popcorn, one of the world's most respected and accurate trend forecasters, says about distribution:

"Marketers and retailers must shift the focus away from traditional means of access to the consumer. Don't expect consumers to come to you anymore. You'll have to reach them in the cocoon itself."

"The means of distribution will be the next consumer-oriented revolution. Direct shopping from the producer to you---bypassing the retailer altogether, no middle-men, no stops along the way."
---The Popcorn Report

When asked "Which of the 16 top trends do you see as especially powerful right now?", Faith Popcorn said:

"Icon topping -- the idea that anything big and established will topple. This means difficulties for big business, government and the medical and legal professions. Alternative delivery systems will grow. This is a very big trend, and the alternatives -- small business, alternative medicine -- will do very well also."
--- Entrepreneur, December 1996